Thursday, 10:00 – 12:30pm, January 9 – March 30, 2025
10-Week Art Clinic with J. Jordan Bruns
About Just Getting Started: Foundation Drawing Learning to See
Drawing is the foundation of all visual art and in this Art Clinic, we’ll learn to translate our 3D world onto a 2D surface with surprising accuracy. We will explore artist perception, drawing proportions, and using plumblines and intersections to build a composition. So, grab your pencils and join us! You’ll never see the world the same way. Class Level: beginner to intermediate. Please note there is a $20 model fee paid in class.
Schedule of Classes
Class 1) January 9- Intro, Sighting and Measuring: Plumblines and Intersections: Finding the relationships between still life objects
pencils, 18×24” Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Pad, blending stump, and erasers
Slides Drawing, 01 Sighting
Class 2) January 16 – Sighting and Measuring- Diagonals and Tabel Tops: Finding the relationship between still life objects and the table surface using diagonals
pencils, 18×24” Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Pad, blending stump, and erasers
Slides Diagonals – Perspective
Class 3 January 23- Sighting and Measuring- Ellipses: Today we’re drawing still life objects in relationship to each other and the surface, basically applying the exercises from the first two classes into a complete drawing
pencils, 18×24” Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Pad, blending stump, and erasers
Class 4) January 30 – Composition and The Thumbnail Sketch- A Line is a Dot that went for a Walk.
Exercise: Draw an environment the “etch a sketch” way. One continuous line that moves though spatial planes regardless of foreground, middle ground, or background.
Class 5) February 6 – Putting the skills to task
Exercise: Working from the figure, build a drawing using perspective and relationships
Class 6) February 20 –Positive and negative spaces- In this class we will be drawing objects by NOT drawing the objects but by drawing the space around them
Vine charcoal, 18 X 24 Strathmore News Print Paper, and kneaded eraser
Class 7) February 27 – Value, egg drawing- This class takes a simple object (the egg) and allows us to practice creating a volumetric rendering of it’s likeness using graphite, erasers and blending stumps.
pencils, 18×24” Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Pad, blending stump, and erasers
Class 8) March 6 – Paper on Paper- Exercises designed to rewire how we think about drawing. Only draw the shadows.
pencils, 18×24” Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Pad, blending stump, and erasers
Class 9) March 13– Volume with Charcoal –We’re switching gears to see how we can create illusionistic volume using vine and willow charcoal.
Vine charcoal, 18 X 24 Strathmore News Print Paper, and kneaded eraser
Class 10) March 20 – Working from the Model- We’ll do a series of drawings designed to combine sighting and measuring and creating volume.
Vine charcoal, 18 X 24 Strathmore News Print Paper, and kneaded eraser
“Materials Pass” is an optional fee that rents out all the materials you would need for your Art Clinic class. For this session of “Just Getting Started Art Clinic: Learning to See”, the materials pass is $25. Please note that with Material Pass, you keep your artwork but are leasing the drawing/painting tools (like brushes and palette). If you select to pay the Materials Pass, please email Jordan Bruns, to let him know ASAP. You can always email with any questions.
Supply List:
Pencils 6H, 4H, 2H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B
blending stump
willow charcoal
White Plastic Eraser (I have “Vanish” Erasers in class for $3, they are the best)
Extra Large Kneaded Erasers
18×24” Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Pad
18 X 24 Strathmore News Print Paper