What is the cost of doing what you love to do?
I don’t believe that there is a job around that doesn’t come with a down side. There might even be multiple downsides to the “perfect job”. For artists, at least “emerging artists”, it’s the constant rejections delivered when applying to shows and competitions. I remember being told in art school that for every ten applications that you send out, you will receive nine rejections. Course there is more to it. They say, “It’s not you, it’s us. We’re trying to make a coherent show and your artwork just doesn’t fit. It’s not that your work is bad work.” So they say, but it’s still Chinese water torture. One rejection ok, but it builds up after nine or so. Not to mention that they take your entry fee of thirty dollars in the process of telling your art isn’t what they are looking for. Two hundred and seventy dollars before you get a yes.
Well I’m 5 five rejections into the year. I guess I have four more to go before I get that one yes.
Last weekend I dropped off eight pieces to a four person show in St. Charles, MO. It’s a great space, and I am hoping for a good show. I drove 800 miles to get there to drop it off, 800 miles to come home. Then next July, I have to make the trip again. Yet, I’m happy to dive 3,200 miles to show the work.
No one’s job is perfect. I can’t imagine being stuck in a cubical, drinking 9 cups of coffee a day to stay awake. Usually, I get up at eight, I lounge around the house. I go to studio, and if I am not feeling up to painting, I am not going to get fired for reading an art magazine. Bliss.