In 2016 The Washington City Paper called Lenny Campello “one of the most interesting people of Washington, DC.” I promise you, that’s a very accurate statement. You’d be hard pressed to find a bigger champion of the DC art scene than Lenny. He has certainly helped me along in my career. Join us for a very special ACO artist talk as Lenny Campello discusses his work and dishes out wisdom.Founder of Alida Anderson Art Projects and selected by well-known collector Mera Rubell for inclusion in the “Cream” art exhibition and auction at American University’s Katzen Art Museum. Author of the book 100 Artists of Washington, DC, published by Schiffer Press and the first of three volumes which catalogs the current contemporary visual art scene in the Greater Washington, DC area. Campello is also one of the Internet’s leading arts bloggers, and since 2003 his visual arts blog (Daily Campello Art News) has been one of the web’s first art blogs and currently has had over four million visitors, making it one of the highest ranked art blogs in the world.