Wednesday, April 30 – June 25, 2025
9-week Art Clinic with J. Jordan Bruns–
Drawing on top of paintings might not seem like the usual order of operations, but when done right, it can lead to captivating results. In this Just Add Water class, we’ll explore how dry mediums can enhance a watercolor base, creating art that’s far from ordinary. We’ll cover essential watercolor techniques, along with the use of dry mediums like Nu-Pastel and colored pencils. This Art Clinic is perfect for both drawing students and those with an interest in water-based painting. Please note there is a $20 model fee for this class. Minimum age 14. 9 sessions.
Schedule of Classes:
Class 1) April 30- In class Demo: Intro to watercolor as a starting layer – Still Life
Exercise: We’ll use this day as a play day, learning or reviewing essential watercolor techniques in order to create a foundation for drawing mediums.
Class 2) May 7– Still Life – Intro into Derwent Inktense Pencils
Exercise: We’ll begin thinking about where the tipping point is of too much wet or dry mediums is, looking for the perfect blend of both.
Class 3 May 14- Still Life – Intro into Nu-Pastel
Exercise: Both mediums, watercolor and Inktense pencils, are traditionally water based. This week we will explore a true dry medium that is fine with water added but sings as an accent to the wet mediums.
Class 4) May 21- Still Life
Exercise – Finish up Still Life work
Class 5) May 28- Landscape from photograph
Class 6) June 4- Landscape from photograph
Class 7) June 11- Landscape from photograph
Class 8) June 18- Working from the Model- Day 1 of 2
Class 9) June 25- Working from the Model- Day 2 of 2
Suggested Supply List
Watercolor Brush- round #8
Watercolor Brush- flat #14 or similar
Watercolor Set (12 colors or so)
¾” White Artist Tape (acid free)
Derwent Inktense Colored Pencils (set of 12 or 24)
Nu-Pastel set of (24 or 36) – other hard(er) soft pastel brands are good too
Three sheets, 20×30”(or so) Arches (or similar brand) Hot Press watercolor paper
Watercolor Paint Note:
I think a solid travel set of artist grade cakes is just perfect and is very versatile for fieldwork or studio work. I think the “Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Watercolor Set – Assorted Colors, Set of 12 with Space for 12 Additional Half Pans” is pretty perfect for the price and has the colors that I think are pretty standard for a watercolorist.
Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Red Light, Permanent Carmine, Ultramarine Finest, Prussian Blue, Phthalo Green, Permanent Olive Green, Yellow Ochre, English Venetian Red, Sepia Brown, and Ivory Black

Materials Pass
is encouraged for “Just Add Water” but is an optional fee that rents out all the materials you would need for your Art Clinic class and provides the specific paper needed. For this session of “Just add Water” the materials pass is $40. Please note that with Material Pass, you keep your artwork but are leasing the drawing/painting tools (like brushes and palette). If you select to pay the Materials Pass, please email Jordan Bruns, to let him know. You can always email with any questions.