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Visiting Artist Workshop: Learn Egg Tempera with Bennett Vadnais

By October 27, 2020January 29th, 2025No Comments

Visiting Artist Workshop:  Egg Tempera Painting with Bennett Vadnais

Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 – 4:00pm, May 23 and May 24 2025

with Bennett Vadnais and J. Jordan Bruns


Egg Tempera is an ancient and extremely durable medium. Although it has become less widely practiced since the rise in popularity of oil painting, there is a dedicated community of artists still committed to this very special painting technique.

This class will introduce the materials and techniques of egg yolk tempera painting. Egg tempera has an unfortunate reputation as being tedious and technically demanding which is quite far from the truth. The materials are relatively inexpensive and nontoxic. It is also surprisingly flexible and easy to adapt to different painting styles. Vadnais will demonstrate how to create egg tempera paint by mixing egg yolk, water and powdered pigment in the correct ratio. He will then take students through the process of building a painting from initial drawing to full color using temperas uniquely delicate and translucent layering effects. Vadnais will teach students how to utilize temperas fast drying to execute various techniques including dry brush, cross hatching, glazing and scumbling. This class is suited to all levels. Previous drawing experience is recommended.

Students should bring usable reference material as the basis of their work. This can include drawings sketches, photographs etc.

Class Level: beginner to advanced.

Egg Tempera Materials


Powdered Pigments

Titanium White, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Cobalt Blue, Raw Umber, Mars Black OR Bone Black, Cadmium Yellow Light OR Medium, Cadmium Red Light OR Medium (provided)


Round Watercolor Brushes Size #8, #3, and #1


Panel with Absorbent Ground 9X12 (Provided)


Eggs (2), Small water mister bottle, Paper Towels, Small plastic or Glass Jars, Tracing paper, Pencil, Eraser, Small Palette with wells, Flat palette (for mixing colors… Glass, Plastic or Disposable Paper Palette)